CreateStack is a XCMD that allows to create a new Stack from within a script, without user intervention.
CreateStack <name or pathName>
If you supply only a name, the stack will be created at HyperCard's hierarchical level on the disk.
Help online is available : if you pass as first parameter :
"!" : the Result returns the version info
"?": the Result returns the syntax
If no error occured, the Result will be empty. Otherwise, it can contain :
"Error : Bad Parameter Number"
"Error : Resource STDT not found"
"Error : Bad File Name"
"Error : Path Not Found"
"Error : Volume Not Found"
"Error : Creation aborted"
"Error : Create Failed"
"Error : FSDelete failed"
"Error : FSOpen failed"
"Error : FSWrite failed"
"Error : FSClose failed"
If a file with the same name already exists, the XCMD will ask if you want to replace it, or rename the stack to be created. If you choose to rename it, the the Result will return the created stack name.
This XCMD needs an auxillary resource STDT named "CreateStack". You can renumber it, but avoid renaming it !
This XCMD is FreeWare,allowing unlimitted use in any non-commercial stack. You just need in this case to mention the author's name anywhere in the stack.
Any commercial use must be licenced and aknowledged by the author.